The Swiss government granted asylum to Co-pilot Hailemedhin Abera-Congratulations to all Ethiopians.

እንኳን ደስ ያለን ወገኔ፥ እረዳት ዓብራሪ ኃይለመድህን አበራ ተገኝ የስደተኝነት መብቱ ተከበረለት፥
ለጠላቶቻችን ደስታ ያላደረገን፣ ለክፉዎች መዛበቻ ዓሳልሮ ያልሰጠን እግዚአብሔር ይመስገን፥
The Swiss government granted asylum to Co-pilot Hailemedhin Abera,
(EMF) — The Switzerland government has granted asylum to the Ethiopian co-pilot who seized control of the Boeing 767-300 on 17 February 2014 and flew it to Geneva, according Ethiopian attorney who closely following the case.

The Ethiopian government has pushed the Swiss government to extradite the Co-pilot Hailemedhin Aberaby labeling him as a “traitor”. The regime has also opened file to try him in absentia, sources said. 
The Swiss Federal Office of Justice has confirmed that it has refused the extradition request by the Ethiopian government.
Hailemedhin Abera can freely move now and defend his case out of confinement. 

The pro-democracy Ethiopian Diaspora and, attorneys, like Shakespeare Feyissa, are trying to defend the rights of the co-pilot. 
The airliner’s second-in-command, Hailemedhin Abera Tegegn, 31, took control of the plane when the pilot left the cockpit to use the toilet. He then sent a coded signal announcing he had hijacked his own aircraft. The plane landed safely, and none of the 202 passengers and crew members on Flight ET-702, which originated in Addis Ababa, the Ethiopian capital, were injured. The Co-pilot has exposed the gross human rights violations in Ethiopia at a global scale.
Recently, ECRCO organized and collected signatures, online and in public places calling for Fair and Free trial of Co-pilot Hailemedhin Abera Tegegn to Petition the Swiss Government in support of his asylum case and we successfully delivered significant number of signatures with protest letter to the Swiss Government and we would like to say thank you to all who participated in this task.
Today, we are glad to inform and announce to you our supporters we received a promising replay letter, from the Confederation of Switzerland, Federal Office for Migration and attached it below so you can see your efforts to help our compatriot Hailemedhin Abera is getting results.
ሰሞኑን በድርጅታችን ዓስተባባሪነት የረዳት ፓይለት ኃይለመድህን ዓበራ ተገኝን የስደተኝነት ጥያቄ በተመለከተ፥ 
የኢትዮጵያን ወቅታዊ የፖለቲካ ሁኔታ በማገናዘበ ሕጋዊ ከለላ እንዲደረግለትና የማንም ተጽዕኖ የሌለበት ፍትሃዊ ፍርድ እንዲያገኝ ይገባዋል በማለት፥  በማህበራዊ ቦታዎችና በኢንተርኔት በመታገዝ የተሰበሰቡ በርካታ የምልጃ ፊርማዎችና፥ የኢትዮጵያን ወቅታዊ የፖለቲካ ሁኔታ በመዘርዘር የጉዳዩን ክብደት ከሚጠቁም የድጋፍ ደብባቤ ጋር ለስዊዘርላንድ መንግስት በኢምባሲው ዓማካይነት መላካቻን ይታወቃል፥ 
የላክነው መልዕክትም ወደሚመለከተው ክፍል መድረሱን የሚያረጋገጥ ምላሽ ይዞ ከዚህ በታች የሚታየውን ደብዳቤ ከስዊዘርላንድ መንግስት ዓግኝተናል፥ ሁኔታው የደረሰበትን ደረጃም እስከመጨረሻው እንደምንከታተል ቃል እየገባን፥ ለዚህ የተቀደሰ ተግባር ለተባበራችሁን ሁሉ ምስጋናችን ከፍ ያለ ነው፥